The XMLWriter class
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.2, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL xmlwriter >= 0.1.0)
Resumo da classe
class XMLWriter
/* Métodos */
public startDocument(?string
= "1.0", ?string $encoding
= null
, ?string $standalone
= null
): boolpublic writeDtd(
): bool
= null
= null
= null
): bool
public writeDtdEntity(
): bool
= false
= null
= null
= null
): bool
Table of Contents
- XMLWriter::endAttribute — End attribute
- XMLWriter::endCdata — End current CDATA
- XMLWriter::endComment — Create end comment
- XMLWriter::endDocument — End current document
- XMLWriter::endDtd — End current DTD
- XMLWriter::endDtdAttlist — End current DTD AttList
- XMLWriter::endDtdElement — End current DTD element
- XMLWriter::endDtdEntity — End current DTD Entity
- XMLWriter::endElement — End current element
- XMLWriter::endPi — End current PI
- XMLWriter::flush — Flush current buffer
- XMLWriter::fullEndElement — End current element
- XMLWriter::openMemory — Create new xmlwriter using memory for string output
- XMLWriter::openUri — Create new xmlwriter using source uri for output
- XMLWriter::outputMemory — Returns current buffer
- XMLWriter::setIndent — Toggle indentation on/off
- XMLWriter::setIndentString — Set string used for indenting
- XMLWriter::startAttribute — Create start attribute
- XMLWriter::startAttributeNs — Create start namespaced attribute
- XMLWriter::startCdata — Create start CDATA tag
- XMLWriter::startComment — Create start comment
- XMLWriter::startDocument — Create document tag
- XMLWriter::startDtd — Create start DTD tag
- XMLWriter::startDtdAttlist — Create start DTD AttList
- XMLWriter::startDtdElement — Create start DTD element
- XMLWriter::startDtdEntity — Create start DTD Entity
- XMLWriter::startElement — Create start element tag
- XMLWriter::startElementNs — Create start namespaced element tag
- XMLWriter::startPi — Create start PI tag
- XMLWriter::text — Write text
- XMLWriter::writeAttribute — Write full attribute
- XMLWriter::writeAttributeNs — Write full namespaced attribute
- XMLWriter::writeCdata — Write full CDATA tag
- XMLWriter::writeComment — Write full comment tag
- XMLWriter::writeDtd — Write full DTD tag
- XMLWriter::writeDtdAttlist — Write full DTD AttList tag
- XMLWriter::writeDtdElement — Write full DTD element tag
- XMLWriter::writeDtdEntity — Write full DTD Entity tag
- XMLWriter::writeElement — Write full element tag
- XMLWriter::writeElementNs — Write full namespaced element tag
- XMLWriter::writePi — Writes a PI
- XMLWriter::writeRaw — Write a raw XML text