Once you have deployed a service to a swarm, you are ready to use the Docker CLI to scale the number of containers in the service. Containers running in a service are called tasks.

  1. If you haven't already, open a terminal and ssh into the machine where you run your manager node. For example, the tutorial uses a machine named manager1.

  2. Run the following command to change the desired state of the service running in the swarm:

    console $ docker service scale <SERVICE-ID>=<NUMBER-OF-TASKS>

    For example:

    ```console $ docker service scale helloworld=5

    helloworld scaled to 5 ```

  3. Run docker service ps <SERVICE-ID> to see the updated task list:

    ```console $ docker service ps helloworld

    NAME IMAGE NODE DESIRED STATE CURRENT STATE helloworld.1.8p1vev3fq5zm0mi8g0as41w35 alpine worker2 Running Running 7 minutes helloworld.2.c7a7tcdq5s0uk3qr88mf8xco6 alpine worker1 Running Running 24 seconds helloworld.3.6crl09vdcalvtfehfh69ogfb1 alpine worker1 Running Running 24 seconds helloworld.4.auky6trawmdlcne8ad8phb0f1 alpine manager1 Running Running 24 seconds helloworld.5.ba19kca06l18zujfwxyc5lkyn alpine worker2 Running Running 24 seconds ```

    You can see that swarm has created 4 new tasks to scale to a total of 5 running instances of Alpine Linux. The tasks are distributed between the three nodes of the swarm. One is running on manager1.

  4. Run docker ps to see the containers running on the node where you're connected. The following example shows the tasks running on manager1:

    ```console $ docker ps

    CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 528d68040f95 alpine:latest "ping docker.com" About a minute ago Up About a minute helloworld.4.auky6trawmdlcne8ad8phb0f1 ```

    If you want to see the containers running on other nodes, ssh into those nodes and run the docker ps command.

Next steps#

At this point in the tutorial, you're finished with the helloworld service. Next, you'll delete the service

{ { < button text="Delete the service" url="delete-service.md" > } }