The .focus-ring helper removes the default outline on :focus, replacing it with a box-shadow that can be more broadly customized. The new shadow is made up of a series of CSS variables, inherited from the :root level, that can be modified for any element or component.


Click directly on the link below to see the focus ring in action, or into the example below and then press Tab.

{ {< example >} } Custom focus ring { {< /example >} }


Modify the styling of a focus ring with our CSS variables, Sass variables, utilities, or custom styles.

CSS variables#

Modify the --bs-focus-ring-* CSS variables as needed to change the default appearance.

{ {< example >} } Green focus ring { {< /example >} }

.focus-ring sets styles via global CSS variables that can be overridden on any parent element, as shown above. These variables are generated from their Sass variable counterparts.

{ { < scss-docs name="root-focus-variables" file="scss/_root.scss" }}

By default, there is no --bs-focus-ring-x, --bs-focus-ring-y, or --bs-focus-ring-blur, but we provide CSS variables with fallbacks to initial 0 values. Modify them to change the default appearance.

{ {< example >} } Blurry offset focus ring { {< /example >} }

Sass variables#

Customize the focus ring Sass variables to modify all usage of the focus ring styles across your Bootstrap-powered project.

{ { < scss-docs name="focus-ring-variables" file="scss/_variables.scss" }}

Sass utilities API#

In addition to .focus-ring, we have several .focus-ring-* utilities to modify the helper class defaults. Modify the color with any of our theme colors. Note that the light and dark variants may not be visible on all background colors given current color mode support.

{ {< example >} } { {< focus-ring.inline >} } { {- range (index $.Site.Data "theme-colors") } }

{ { title .name } } focus

{ {- end -} } { {< /focus-ring.inline >} } { {< /example >} }

Focus ring utilities are declared in our utilities API in scss/_utilities.scss. Learn how to use the utilities API.

{ { < scss-docs name="utils-focus-ring" file="scss/_utilities.scss" }}